Riding Iceland, how to…lots of detail about getting your own bike there, costs and logistics

There is a lot of interest to ride your own motorcycle in Iceland but not a lot of information how to do it from outside Europe. This video goes into all the details about shipping your own motorcycle from North America. It also lots more details, of costs and logistics that will be of useContinue reading “Riding Iceland, how to…lots of detail about getting your own bike there, costs and logistics”


What made it, what didn’t?

…reviews of products and gear so far.

I think A to F is a good way to go, cause most of us have been to school and we know getting an F is as bad as it gets, but obviously YMMV.

All parts and gear was reviewed for 7000 miles

Adventurizing a KTM 500exc for RTW Riding – Part 1

Time for a new bike for me, a 2016 500exc Six Days, time to prep it and get it ready for a RTW journey

RTW packing in 40 liters, and less than 40lbs…challenge accepted

Packing is a very individual thing and each person will differ greatly, but for those of you who like to read pack lists and are trying to reduce your pack size/ weight, this might be the post for you This is the gear that works for me, it may not work for you but itContinue reading “RTW packing in 40 liters, and less than 40lbs…challenge accepted”