RTW packing in 40 liters, and less than 40lbs…challenge accepted

Packing is a very individual thing and each person will differ greatly, but for those of you who like to read pack lists and are trying to reduce your pack size/ weight, this might be the post for you This is the gear that works for me, it may not work for you but itContinue reading “RTW packing in 40 liters, and less than 40lbs…challenge accepted”

Landslides, Snow, and Cheese Puffs

We asked around to see if we could go out of town heading west, the answer was a solid no, multiple bridges out and rivers at around chest height so with no alternative we headed back out the way we came in. Coming out of Batopilas after a night of heavy rain you kind ofContinue reading “Landslides, Snow, and Cheese Puffs”

Life on a cliffs edge…

As we live on the road as opposed to taking a trip for a few months or a year or so, once in a while we need to catch up on real life and ‘get things done’ – some in Arizona and some in Mexico but we are again finally moving.